Our Clinic has grown to provide a world class facility for the treatment of tooth loss, dental cosmetics and advanced restorative dentistry.

In the course of time, your teeth can become worn or decayed. We have proven procedures to improve your damaged or decayed teeth such as the placement of crowns. We provide both dental crowns and bridges subjective to the requirements of the patient.

Dental bridges also called as removable dentures bridge the gap created by missing teeth. The bridges are made up of false teeth or tooth and are attached to the natural teeth for support. Bridges can be used as auxiliary to retain your smile and also facilitate you to speak and chew naturally, maintain your facial structure. So, if your smile is spoilt due to accidents, missing tooth, we are keen to offer your best dental assistance…

How do Crowns Work?

It is important to track the condition of your tooth and plan necessary procedures to ensure its health. We provide caps or crowns for your teeth. We carefully identify the shade of your tooth and provide porcelain or ceramic covers in the exact shade or metal crowns thus protecting your teeth even in the final stages.

Our efforts are to provide crowns for the following purposes:

  • Replace a large filling when there isn’t enough tooth remaining
  • Protect a weak tooth from fracturing
  • Restore a fractured tooth
  • Attach a bridge
  • Cover a dental implant
  • Cover a discolored or poorly shaped tooth


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